Want to Win a Hat?
September 16, 2010
Tell me your favorite instructional design resources for all of the following categories by September 30 and I’ll buy you a hat with a logo of your favorite sports team. Why a hat? Ah, who knows. Here are the categories:
- Blogs
- RSS feeds
- Delicious tags
- Twitter leaders (to follow)
- Flickr photo feeds
- Miscellaneous online resource (because I’m now drawing a blank)
Disclaimer: If there are miraculously more than three winners by Sept. 30, I’ll randomly choose three winners anyway. Good luck!
Entry Filed under: Contest. Posted in Contest Tags: Contest.
2 Comments Add your own
My hats off to you Marlies for getting your blog setup!! Got a bunch of resources listed over in my Bb9 course.
No hat winners in September. Maybe I’ll think of a less lame contest in October. Hey, it could happen.
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